- Date:
- Tuesday, April 21, 2020
- Time:
- 7:00 pm
- Location:
- Town Hall
Public Comment Phone Number: 610-997-7963
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Bethlehem City Council will temporarily allow public comment by phone during Bethlehem City Council meetings. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, in lieu of attending in person, if you have public comments that you would like to share at a Bethlehem City Council meeting, it is recommended that you watch the YouTube live-stream of the meeting and use the following public comment call-in phone number during the public comment periods: 610-997-7963 (“Public Comment Phone Number”).
The April 21, 2020 Bethlehem City Council meeting, starting at 7:00 PM, will be live-streamed on YouTube at the “City of Bethlehem Council” YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRLFG5Y9Ui0jADKaRE1W3xw.
All agenda items for the above-referenced Bethlehem City Council meeting are/will be available at the following website: https://www.bethlehem-pa.gov/Calendar/Meetings/2020/City-Council-Meeting/58 .
The City Council President will announce public comment periods during the meeting which you can watch on YouTube on the “City of Bethlehem Council” YouTube channel. If you call the Public Comment Phone Number (610-997-7963) and the line is busy, please call back when the current public speaker is finished. Calls to the Public Comment Phone Number will only be accepted during the two designated public comment periods at the above-referenced City Council meeting.
The first public comment period is reserved for subjects not being voted on at this City Council meeting. The second public comment period is reserved for subjects being voted on at this City Council meeting. The normal five (5) minute time limits applicable to all public comments at Bethlehem City Council meetings will apply to any public comments provided by phone.
Before you call the Public Comment Phone Number (610-997-7963), please turn off all speakers, computer speakers, televisions, or radios. At the start of your call, please state your name and address.
Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, public access to Bethlehem City Hall is currently limited. If you have any questions about how to comment remotely in the above-referenced City Council meeting, please call the City Clerk’s office at (610) 865-7130 or email cityclerk@bethlehem-pa.gov.
00 Agenda 04212020
06a Zoning Text Amendment Definition of B&B signed 2-28-20
06b RecommendofAward DePaul and Company, Inc
06c Appalachian Mountain Club-Illick's Mill Sublease
06d Memo COVID Response
06e Resolution EICDA Carbon Dividend Act of 2019
06f RecommendofAward-Wexcon Inc Linden Street Storm Sewer
06g RecommendofAward-CMR Construction
06h RecommendofAward LB Industries, Inc
06i Records Destruction-Water and Sewer Resources
06j 2020 General Fund Adjustments
06k 2020 CDBG Fund Adjustments
06l 2020 Liquid Fuels Fund Adjustments
06m 2020 Golf Fund Adjustments
06n RecommendofAward - Suburban Water Technology Inc
06o CDBG 2019 Substantial Amendment
07b1 AO Matthew Wolf Fine Arts Commission
07b2 AO Angela Delgrosso Human Relations Commission
07b3 AO Michael Colon Human Relations Commission
07b4 AO Christopher Spadoni Redevelopment Authority Board
08a Bill 06-2020 Bill Est Art 1738
09a Bill No. 09-2020 Amend 2020 General Fund
09b Bill No. 10-2020 Amend 2020 CDBG-HOME Budget
09c Bill No. 11-2020 Amend 2020 Liquid Fuels Fund
09d Bill No. 12-2020 Amend 2020 Golf Fund
10a Police-Records Destruction
10b 2019 CDBG HOME Action Plan Amendment Resolution
10c Approve Contract DePaul and Company
10d Approve Covid19 Resolution
10e Appalachian Mountain Club - Resolution (2020)
10f Resolution - EICDA 2020 Bethlehem Support
10g COA 438 High Street
10h COA 29 East Third Street (Bank of America)
10i Approve Contract-Wexcon, Inc. Linden Street Storm Sewer
10j Approve Contract - CMR Construction Inc
10k Approve Contract-LB Industries, Inc
10l Approve Contract Suburban Water Technology, Inc
10m 2019 CDBG HOME COVID Action Plan Amendment Resolution