
Utility Billing


The City of Bethlehem provides drinking water to residents and businesses in the City and all or portions of ten surrounding Municipalities and includes 36,000 metered accounts. The city’s reservoirs in the Pocono Mountains have a total storage capacity of 10 billion gallons of water. Average consumption equals 15 million gallons per day. The water distribution system consists of 1 filtration plant, 500 miles of water main, 5 pump stations, and 7 storage tanks.
The City provides waste water collection and treatment services for all inside-city customers and includes 25,000 accounts. The city also provides bulk collection and treatment services for all or parts of eleven surrounding Municipalities. Average wastewater treatment plant flow equals 10 million gallons per day. The collection and treatment system consists of 250 miles of sewer main, 6 lift stations, and 1 wastewater treatment plant.

All water and sewer customers will receive either a monthly or quarterly bill from the City of Bethlehem.

Customers have three options for bill pay:

  • Pay by mail
  • Pay in person at City Hall
  • Pay on-line by setting up an eGov account 

Customers may either call or visit the utility billing office at City Hall if they have questions on their bill, review rate schedule, or to dispute charges on your account.

The City offers Spanish translation services.

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