The City of Bethlehem strives to keep provide you with a safe, happy, healthy place to live! In doing so we must provide regular and event specific maintenance on the infrastructure that make the city work. The schedules and maps here help keep our citizens informed about scheduled and event specific maintenance that may affect you on certain occasions.
Curbside Recycling Pick-up
All residents and businesses in the City of Bethlehem are required to recycle. The City provides biweekly curbside recycling to residents. For more information on curbside recycling visit the recycling page. For the biweekly recycling zones and pick dates use our
Curbside Recycling App.
Hydrant Flushing
The City of Bethlehem’s drinking water surpasses all federal and state drinking water standards. Our fire hydrants use the same pipes and water. To keep the system free of particles and debris we must periodically flush hydrants to clear out unwanted sediment. Here is our
Hydrant Flushing Schedule.
These streets are anticipated to be paved during the current paving season pending resources availability, any budgetary changes, and unexpected changes to projects by utility companies (UGI and the city’s Water & Sewer):
Anticipated Street Overlays
Street Overlay App
Street Sweeping
The City of Bethlehem regularly sweeps major thoroughfares to help eliminate the sediment that gets deposited in our local streams and ponds through storm water runoff. This activity is routinely done from the start of April through the end of October. To see the current scheduled street sweeping map and schedule, use our
Street Sweeping App.
Leaf Collection
Leaves and debris clog up storm drains and can cause unwanted flooding and pooling of storm water. The City of Bethlehem collects leaves in the late fall/early winter to limit leaves and debris from entering storm basins and pipes and preventing costly emergency repairs. The
Leaf Collection App can help you find the estimated leaf collection time for your street.
Snow Emergency Routes
During snow and ice events the City of Bethlehem prioritizes important roads to make sure emergency vehicles and assist our residents as quickly as possible. During severe snow and ice events, the City may impose a parking ban on these important emergency routes in order to keep them clear for emergency vehicle travel. The City has created a
Snow Emergency Route App to help citizens keep streets clear during declared Snow Emergencies.
Snow Plow Operations
During regular and severe snow and ice events multiple City Departments participate in clearing the City streets and roads. The City utilizes smart GPS technology to keep track of what areas have been cleared and/or treated during these events. The
Snow Plowing Status Map shows the City’s street clearing/treating progress during snow events.