Emergency 9-1-1 (Northampton County 911 Center) Non-Emergency 610-865-7187 - Northampton County 911 Center 610-865-7000 - Bethlehem Service Center and House Sergeant Complaints and Compliments Commend an Officer Issue with an Officer ADMINISTRATION Chief Michelle Kott 610-865-7150 mkott@bethlehem-pa.gov Deputy Chief Scott Meixell 610-865-7152 smeixell@bethlehem-pa.gov PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS DIVISION (ACCREDITATION, TRAINING, INTERNAL AFFAIRS) Captain Michael Leaser 610-865-7296 mleaser@bethlehem-pa.gov Lieutenant Joshua Schnalzer 610-865-7146 jjschnalzer@bethlehem-pa.gov Sergeant Jason Holschwander 610-997-7674 jholschwander@bethlehem-pa.gov Sergeant John Casella 610-997-7665 jcasella@bethlehem-pa.gov Records Bureau 610-865-7175 PATROL DIVISION Captain Benjamin Hackett 610-865-7158 bhackett@bethlehem-pa.gov Platoon 1 Lieutenant David Bowerman 610-865-7178 dbowerman@bethlehem-pa.gov Platoon 2 Lieutenant Eric Waldeck 610-865-7178 ewaldeck@bethlehem-pa.gov Platoon 3 Lieutenant Robert Kromer 610-865-7178 rkromer@bethlehem-pa.gov Platoon 4 Lieutenant Blake Kuntz 610-865-7178 bkuntz@bethlehem-pa.gov Support Services DIVISION Captain Nicholas Lechman 610-997-7677 nlechman@bethlehem-pa.gov Criminal Investigations General Line 610-865-7162 Lieutenant Michael DiLuzio 610-997-7679 mjdiluzio@bethlehem-pa.gov Property and Evidence 610-865-7033 Community Services Lieutenant Manuel Rivera 610-997-7924 mrivera@bethlehem-pa.gov Sergeant Joshua Rymon 610-419-9187 jrymon@bethlehem-pa.gov Bethlehem Housing Authority Sergeant William Marques 610-865-7222 wmarques@bethlehem-pa.gov Traffic & School Safety Lieutenant William Audelo 610-865-7155 waudelo@bethlehem-pa.gov Sergeant Jason Gerstner 610-865-7153 jgerstner@bethlehem-pa.gov School Resource Sergeant Sergeant Stephanie Molnar 610-691-7200 extension 50933 smolnar@bethlehem-pa.gov COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Lead Supervisor Brenda Corrow bcorrow@bethlehem-pa.gov POLICE SUBSTATIONS (Not 24 Hour Numbers) BHA Marvine – Pembroke Substation (1121 Marvine St.) – 610-865-7222 Center City Substation (60 W. Broad St.) – 610-997-7609 Lehigh University & Bethlehem Police Substation (324 S. New St.) – 610-419-9136