
Pollutant Reduction Report

This Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) serves to fulfill the requirements of Appendix E of NPDES PAI-132210 for the City of Bethlehem.

This plan has been completed using publicly available data and data supplied by the City of Bethlehem. While this plan aims to provide guidance towards the construction and implementation of stormwater quality Best Management Practices (BMPs) to provide pollutant loading reductions, it should be noted that this is a fluid document that will be evaluated and updated yearly as specific proposed locations and types of BMPs are analyzed and designed, as new opportunities for partnerships are realized, and as revised regulations and BMPs are developed and implemented.

Some examples of common BMPs are dry extended detention basins, raingardens, infiltration trenches and stream bank restoration.

To review the full pollution reduction plan for the City of Bethlehem, please click the link below:  FULL POLLUTION REDUCTION PLAN