The Traffic Maintenance Bureau is responsible for the installation and maintenance of all roadway markings and signage, barricades and detours for emergencies, traffic control during special events, review of traffic plans, conduct & evaluate traffic studies and the posting of temporary No Parking signs.
The Traffic Superintendent oversees all operations listed above, in addition to the following: managing traffic-related projects, review of land-development plans, coordination and planning of special events, conducting traffic studies, working with contractors to assure traffic safety within work zones, managing the traffic maintenance budget and payroll, managing and completing all purchases for the bureau, working closely with the Electrical Bureau on traffic flow and signals, working closely with the Police Department on parking and traffic-related issues as well as the many special events held, and works directly with the public on traffic-related complaints and questions.
This Bureau, in conjunction with the City’s Electrical Bureau, also manages and maintains the Synchro traffic flow and signal modeling software. Developed by the TrafficWare Corportation, this software suite allows the City to accurately model and perform traffic analyses, optimization, and simulations of our existing traffic control systems in order to identify trouble areas and implement improvements in the model prior to making changes out on the roadways. This software also provides us the ability to model new traffic patterns and volumes, as well as to anticipate future growth and how it may impact our traffic control systems, in an effort to stay ahead of the ever-changing landscape of the City’s vehicular infrastructure and traffic conditions.