The Patrol Division is led by a Captain and is comprised of four platoons, the Traffic Unit, the Mounted Unit, Community Services and School Resource Officers.
Each platoon is supervised by a Lieutenant and three Sergeants. The platoons are tasked with the job of patrolling the streets of Bethlehem and answering all 911calls and calls for service. Three of these platoons rotate between day shifts (7 a.m.- 3 p.m.) and middle shifts (3 p.m.- 11 p.m.). The fourth platoon is divided into three squads and they work a steady night shift schedule (11 p.m. - 7 a.m.).
Patrol officers are responsible for the protection of life and property, preservation of the peace, enforcement of laws and suppression of crime. They provide residents and businesses with a highly visible and proactive police presence by routine preventive patrolling on foot, bicycle or motor vehicle. Patrolling on mountain bikes and on foot enables officers to have personal contact with the citizens and allows them to see and hear things they might not discern while in a vehicle.