
Emergency Preparedness Guide

A message from the City of Bethlehem
The City of Bethlehem is pleased to present this Emergency Preparedness Guide to assist you with the task of preparing your family to respond and recover from every type of disaster. The more members of the public are prepared for a disaster, the less strain we place on our emergency services.
If you do these three things, the life you save could be your own ... because what you
DON’T know CAN hurt you. The information in this manual was compiled from various publications provided by the American Red Cross and FEMA to assist you in preparing for various types of disasters.
Please stop your hectic lives for just a few hours and sit down with your family while reading this manual to discuss how each of you would handle these types of situations. It will be quality time with your loved ones and could save your lives.
We hope you keep this manual handy as a reference tool and utilize many of the suggestions found inside to prepare your family for any emergency situation. If you need further information throughout the year regarding emergency planning, please contact the Northampton County Office of Emergency Management at:

