Local Services Tax Withholding - All employers with work sites within the City of Bethlehem are required to withhold $52 ($1 per week) for Local Services Tax (LST) from their employees.
If an employee works for more than one employer, it their responsibility to furnish a current pay stub from another employer that shows LST being withheld. Otherwise LST must be withheld a second time. If an employee has had the tax withheld by more than one employer, they must file a request for a refund as an individual.
The City of Bethlehem uses a third party servicer for collection of Local Services Tax. LST tax withholdings for the City of Bethlehem are collected and processed by:
Keystone Collections Group
e-File: https://business.keystonecollects.com
Phone: (724)-978-0328
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm