Bethlehem-Tondabayashi Sister City Commission
The friendship between Bethlehem and Tondabayashi, Japan began in the early 1960s and was formalized in 1972 when the Bethlehem-Tondabayashi Sister City Commission (BTSCC) was established. The purpose of the Commission is to promote friendship and understanding between the two cities, to exchange cultural interests, to promote trade and tourism, and to oversee an annual student exchange program.
Monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month except August and December, at 6:30 pm in the Laros Room of the Bethlehem Public Library (11 W Church St). We welcome the enthusiasm and ideas of new members - so feel free to stop by.
Be sure to join us in early-mid April for our annual Cherry Blossom Festival, held at the Garden of Serenity, next to the Library.
Please visit our website at for further information and the latest updates on Cherry Blossom Festival dates, periodic offerings of Japanese language classes, and to apply for our student exchange program.