City Council

Council MInutes

Tuesday, January 3, 2012 – 7:00 PM

10 East Church Street - Town Hall
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania


The Clerk called the Roll of the Hold-Over Members of Council. Present as Hold-Over Members were: Jean Belinski, David T. DiGiacinto, Karen Dolan, and Eric R. Evans, 4.


The Clerk affirmed that the Certificates of Election for the City Treasurer, and Members of Council had been presented.


A. City Treasurer – Kaija L. Farber

Stephen G. Baratta, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Northampton County, administered the Oath of Office to Kaija L. Farber, duly elected City Treasurer, for the four year term ending January 2016.

B. Members of Council - Robert J. Donchez, Michael D. Recchiuti, and J. William Reynolds

Stephen G. Baratta, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Northampton County, administered the individual Oaths of Office to Robert J. Donchez, Michael D. Recchiuti, and J. William Reynolds, duly elected Members of Council, for their four year terms ending January 2016.


The Clerk called the Roll of the Newly Constituted Council. Present were: Jean Belinski, David T. DiGiacinto, Karen D. Dolan, Robert J. Donchez, Eric R. Evans, Michael D. Recchiuti, and J. William Reynolds, 7.


Christopher Spadoni, City Council Solicitor, conducted the Nominations and Election for the President of Council, to serve for the years 2012 and 2013, pursuant to the Rules of Council that were revised and adopted December 21, 2011. Attorney Spadoni noted that, according to the newly adopted Rules of Council, no second is required.


Ms. Dolan nominated J. William Reynolds. Mr. Donchez nominated Eric Evans. Mrs. Belinski nominated David DiGiacinto.

Ms. Dolan, mentioning that this is somewhat of an historical moment, highlighted the fact that City Council is following Roberts Rules of Order strictly and so this is the time when not only those who have nominated can explain why they nominated but it is an opportunity for those who were nominated to explain why they think they are qualified. Ms. Dolan encouraged those Members of Council who nominated and members who were nominated to explain why they wish this position and why they think they are qualified.

Ms. Dolan, referring to Roberts Rules of Order, pointed out it states for those who wish to be President of Council, the Chairman or President should not only be familiar with parliamentary usage and set the example of strict conformity but should be a person of executive ability, capable of controlling others. The individual should set an example of courtesy and never forget that to control others it is necessary to control one’s self. No rules would take the place of tact and common sense on the part of the Chairman, and the forms of parliamentary law should be observed. With general consent many things can be done that will save much time, but where the assembly is very large or is divided and contains members who are habitually raising points of order the most expeditious and safe course is to enforce strictly all the rules and forms of parliamentary law. The individual should be careful after each motion is made and every vote is taken to announce the next business in order. Whenever an improper motion is made instead of simply ruling it out of order it is well for the Chairman to suggest how the desired object can be accomplished.

Ms. Dolan explained that she has read these statements from Roberts Rules of Order in part to show that this is Council’s Rules and what Council has adopted. Ms. Dolan further stated that what needs to be looked at are the character and the measure of the person, and the personality of the candidate, not the political views. Expressing her understanding that some people look at the election of a President to be the election of someone with whom you agree politically, Ms. Dolan asserted that has nothing to do with the person for whom you should vote. Ms. Dolan added in Roberts Rules of Order it is stated that people should not vote for someone with whom they are aligned politically. Ms. Dolan communicated that if it happens to be so then it is coincidental because the President of Council for the past eight years has demonstrated wonderfully that the President is the person who must subserve himself the most. Ms. Dolan continued on to say the President must be the least activist during his term of any Member of Council. He must instead put the Rules of Council first, and the desires of the taxpayers and the politics ahead of the politics. Ms. Dolan stressed the only way this can be done is through experience and knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. Dolan related that the President must be able to put aside his personal opinions and personal politics and allow the will of every Member of Council to be expressed. She pointed out that while the Chairman of a Committee usually has the most to say in reference to questions before a Committee, the Chairman here known as the President of an ordinary assembly should of all the members have the least to say upon the merits of all pending questions.

Ms. Dolan pointed out this is not a vote about the person with whom the Members agree with the most. It is a vote about those other qualities, experience, the ability to deal with crowds, with Members of Council, to handle all situations, and the understanding of Roberts Rules. Ms. Dolan affirmed this is not about why, because of any political view she has for or against the excellent candidates, David DiGiacinto, and Eric Evans, both of whom she respects, but it is about her support for J. William Reynolds. Ms. Dolan stated this comes purely from his experience, not only over the years, but the committees and the meetings he has presided over. Ms. Dolan related that she has seen Councilman Reynolds preside over 20 plus meetings compared to less than 5 for the other candidates. Ms. Dolan added that some of the meetings have drawn large numbers of people and have required someone who can control them. Ms. Dolan advised this is why she supports Councilman Reynolds, and it has nothing to do with her political views. Ms. Dolan communicated that, if elected, Councilman Reynolds, just as Councilman Donchez did for 8 years, would have the least to say and will instead be charged with controlling the meetings.

Ms. Dolan expressed that, if one is thinking about what is best for City Council, she would say to look to Roberts Rules of Order that has hundreds of years experience and vote for the person with the most experience and the person with the most experience with difficult meetings. Ms. Dolan stated that someone is needed who has presided over difficult meetings in the past and that is why she is supporting Councilman Reynolds for this position.


Voting for Mr. DiGiacinto: Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. DiGiacinto, 2.

Voting for Mr. Evans: Mr. Donchez, and Mr. Evans, 2.

Voting for Mr. Reynolds: Ms. Dolan, Mr. Recchiuti, and Mr. Reynolds, 3.

Attorney Spadoni noted that the Rules require a vote of four for the President of Council. Attorney Spadoni stated that the process will continue.

Voting for Mr. DiGiacinto: Mrs. Belinski, and Mr. DiGiacinto, 2.

Voting for Mr. Evans: Mr. Donchez, and Mr. Evans, 2.

Voting for Mr. Reynolds: Ms. Dolan, Mr. Recchiuti, and Mr. Reynolds, 3.
Mr. Reynolds, while stating that he appreciates the support of Ms. Dolan, Mr. Recchiuti and his colleagues, recalled there have been discussions in the past about civility and a greater good. Mr. Reynolds observed it seems clear that the voting could continue on for quite a number of votes. Mr. Reynolds pointed out that the Members of Council have prided themselves on civility and working together. Referring to Ms. Dolan’s comments, Mr. Reynolds noted it is about running meetings, and added that continuing the voting could lead to further discussion that may not be needed or contentious. Mr. Reynolds stated that he will take his name out of nomination for another round of voting.

Ms. Dolan, referring to the Rules of Council for Nominations and Elections, pointed out it comes directly from Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. Dolan stated if it takes all night it is Council’s job to come to a decision. Ms. Dolan said she is disappointed with Council Member Reynolds, considering he has three votes and the other Council Members have two votes, that he would withdraw his nomination. Ms. Dolan commented if he does not wish to be Council President she thinks he should say so.

Mr. Reynolds, noting he does wish to be Council President, explained by looking at this he is not of the belief it will go past three votes judging by other people. Mr. Reynolds, communicating that the Council Presidency is important and he is honored to be considered for the position, commented he had hoped the first several times that there would be support for it, and expressed he thinks it is something he would do a good job in. Mr. Reynolds stated his personal opinion is that, at a time, someone needs to step aside to move the process forward.

Ms. Dolan stated logic would dictate that those who have fewer votes would be the ones who would step aside and, according to Roberts Rules, Council is supposed to vote for the person who is most qualified. Ms. Dolan affirmed that she nominated Council Member Reynolds because he has the most experience versus the other two nominees who each have two years of experience. Ms. Dolan enumerated that Mr. Reynolds has been reelected to a second term on Council, is showing himself to be a conciliatory person that is a good sign for someone who would serve as President, and also as someone who is willing to reach a compromise. Ms. Dolan, denoting she wants someone to be President of Council who has experience, pointed out that not having someone with experience slows down the process and makes things difficult. Restating this is very disappointing, Ms. Dolan communicated that Council needs the right person and someone who has experience to be the President, and it has nothing to do with how people feel about anyone politically. Ms. Dolan pointed out that Council Member Reynolds has experience with crowds and has proven himself.

Mr. Reynolds, expressing his agreement with the matter of experience, said he is humbled by the support shown by Council Member Dolan. Mr. Reynolds, confirming he does not take this lightly, communicated he is proud of the support. Mr. Reynolds explained it is not his intention to go through several rounds of voting when it appears from the first two times that people are not going to step aside. Mr. Reynolds, commenting it is leading by sometimes deciding for the good of the body, stated he would take a step back because he does not want to see the matter drawn out to the point of taking away from the civility of Council. Mr. Reynolds restated he appreciates the support offered by Ms. Dolan.

Attorney Spadoni asked the Clerk to Call the Roll.

Voting for Mr. DiGiacinto: Mrs. Belinski, Mr. DiGiacinto, and Ms. Dolan, 3.

Voting for Mr. Evans: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Evans, Mr. Recchiuti, and Mr. Reynolds, 4.

The Election of Mr. Evans as President of Council for the years 2012 and 2013 was adopted by a vote of four in favor.


Christopher Spadoni, City Council Solicitor, conducted the Nominations and Election for the Vice President of Council, to serve for the years 2012 and 2013, pursuant to the Rules of Council that were revised and adopted December 21, 2011. Attorney Spadoni restated that no second is required.


Mr. Recchiuti nominated J. William Reynolds. Mr. DiGiacinto nominated Karen Dolan. Mrs. Belinski nominated David DiGiacinto.

Attorney Spadoni asked the Clerk to Call the Roll.

Voting for Mr. DiGiacinto: Mrs. Belinski, 1.

Voting for Ms. Dolan: Mr. DiGiacinto and Ms. Dolan, 2.

Voting for Mr. Reynolds: Mr. Donchez, Mr. Evans, Mr. Recchiuti, and Mr. Reynolds, 4.

The Election of Mr. Reynolds as Vice President of Council for the years 2012 and 2013 was adopted by a vote of four in favor.


A. President of Council

President Evans thanked the Members of Council for their support during the election process. President Evans, focusing on the election, noted that the Members see each other through different lenses, and the strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and judgment of the Members of Council. Observing that multiple candidates made the decision a little more complex, President Evans stated it was settled in a democratic process, the Rules of Council were followed, it is done, and it is time to turn the focus back to the City.

President Evans welcomed Michael Recchiuti as a Member of Council. President Evans thanked Gordon Mowrer for his service as a Member of Council, and stated it was a great privilege to be on Council with Mr. Mowrer and get to know him. President Evans noted that Mr. Mowrer’s knowledge and experience cannot be replaced.

B. Mayor



Politics; Time Limits – Public Comment

Steve Antalics, 737 Ridge Street, read from a 100 year old editorial that the ordinary voter may have interest in a certain issue and may be talking with friends about the qualifications of some prospective candidate for public office. The voter discovers that the politicians discussing the same issues are talking about far different points as they are concerned with getting votes or giving out jobs that does not have much to do with actual experience or fitness to be in office. The voter who shrugs his shoulders and says that is politics and goes about his prior business makes a mistake in that he forgets that he has a big interest in the political gain. If he played the part with more intelligence he may force a change for the better in the rules and aims. Politics might then serve the public first and politicians last. Mr. Antalics remarked although this editorial is 100 years old it has not changed today. Mr. Antalics asked the new Member of Council whether he would consider amending the Rules of Council that allow Public Comment for 5 minutes. Highlighting the fact that a long time ago Courtesy of the Floor was unlimited, Mr. Antalics said unfortunately the President of Council at that time did not use Roberts Rules to gavel down a person to cut down a 45 minute talk. Mr. Antalics noted that Courtesy of the Floor was later reduced to 12 minutes and then to 5 minutes. Mr. Antalics remarked that, once elected, it seems that Members of Council do not care what the citizens have to say, and think they are royalty. Mr. Antalics stressed that many people at a Council Meeting usually have something important to say but have only 5 minutes to say it. Mr. Antalics commented that he will be looking for a resolution addressing this.

Christmas Season

Samantha Schwartz, 34 W. Elizabeth Avenue, advised that she manages the Downtown Bethlehem Association (DBA). Ms. Schwartz noted she is at the Meeting to publicly say that she thinks the City of Bethlehem is doing a fantastic job. She thanked the Mayor and the Department Heads for the great Christmas Season the City just had, and pointed out that the staff in all of the Departments worked hard. Ms. Schwartz informed the assembly that, in view of the difficult economy, the businesses in the two downtowns stated that they had a fantastic year, with on average about a 50% increase in business. Ms. Schwartz added that the City looked beautiful, and people came from all around to visit. Ms. Schwartz, commenting it is important to say that as Council Members they support all of the events in the downtown, highlighted the fact that the DBA has run over 100 events in the City.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.