Bethlehem Environmental Advisory Council
General Meeting
March 4, 2015

Attendees:   Present were Council members Fran Cundall, Jack Gambino, Lynn Rothman, Mike Topping and George Yasko.  Also present were Casey Ching and Spencer Nush sophomore environmental engineering students at Lehigh.

Approval of January Minutes:  Moved by Lynn; seconded by Jack; approved.
Approval of February Minutes:  Moved by Fran; seconded by Lynn; approved.

Sub Committee Reports:
            Energy:  George and Kalyna Procyk had gone to the City Human Resources and Environment Committee meeting.  The Committee presented their 2/17/15 report concerning "Climate Protection and Energy Conservation Projects" prepared by Edward J. Boscola, PE, Director of Water and Sewer Resources. A companion report from Parks and Public Property Director, Ralph Carp, indicated the specific savings in energy use and costs for all city facilities.  Each year from 2005, substantial savings have been made in each category including buildings, traffic signals, street lighting and the wastewater treatment plant.  The EAC agreed that some form of communication should be developed to inform the public of the improvements the City has made in energy savings and carbon credits similar to the recycling center reports and use this information to encourage everyone to save energy in their home and/or business.

Green:  Fran reported that their first meeting has been held but she was unable to attend due to the weather.

Transportation:  George had not heard from Anne Felker who is still looking for someone to head this committee and meanwhile Lynn Rothman has offered to become the EAC liaison to the committee.

External Committee Reports:
Zoning:  No report.

Planning:  No report

City Council:  No report.

Old Business:
Filling the open seats on the EAC:  George reported that Kalyna Procyk has agreed to become a member of the EAC.  A second member may be appointed from the members of City Council, however if no one volunteers for the position, than someone from the public should be chosen.

City Council Coverage Schedule: So far, George has March & November, Jack has June & December, Fran has May & September, Kalyna has January and July and Lynn has April and October.  If conflicts arise, substitutions will be made.  George will email everyone the proposed new schedule.

            Monocacy Creek Assessment:  The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission has subcontracted this study to the Wildlands Conservancy, which will work with local Monocacy Creek organizations and volunteers to collect water samples and make visual assessments of the creek.  George will meet in April with Kristie Fach from Wildlands to help coordinate this study.
Part of the work will include the removal of trees and railroad ties along the creek, bank stabilization, and possible rerouting of the stream back to its original location.  George is in the process of contacting local art students to see if they can design something from the tree wood as a historical remembrance.  The Monocacy Creek Watershed Association will put up a poster on Illick’s Mill Road describing the proposed improvements so the public will know what is going to happen and why.  Much of the park was built by the WPA during the depression.  Jack suggested that a local student might want to do a paper on Monocacy Park and the stonework, etc., adjacent to the creek.  Part of the proposed creek improvements will include structures and plantings, which will provide protection for the trout living there.

            Report to City Council:  George is beginning to put together the yearly report and asked EAC members to forward any information, which they feel should be included.  Much of the necessary information can be found in the year’s minutes.

            Associate Members:  Once again, George promoted the inclusion of associate members for the EAC who could come to meetings and become involved with existing committees or projects of their own choosing.  He invited Casey and Spencer to join in this manner.  Casey noted that in Brooklyn, energy saving tips are included with electric bills and thought that other forms of communication could be used to inform the public of environmental concerns.  George noted that reports could be developed by students recommending various environmental improvements or programs anywhere in the City.  Recycling, energy conservation, tree plantings, dam removal, etc. were all promoted as possible topics for discussion.

            Website:  George asked the members to update their biography information if necessary and showed everyone how to access the site.

Next Meeting:  George will find out where our next meeting will be held.

Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM.