Bethlehem Environmental Advisory Council
General Meeting
July 2, 2014

Attendees:   Present were Council members Fran Cundall, Jack Gambino, Lynn Rothman, Mike Topping and George Yasko.

Approval of June Minutes:  Moved by Jack; seconded by Fran; approved.

Announcements:  Lynn went to a Climate and Energy public meeting where various issues were discussed with the goal of producing a Lehigh Valley Land Use Plan.  A major point that was made concerned the need for active lobbying and media involvement in order to bring about positive change concerning these issues.  She will email the EAC concerning upcoming meetings.
Jack noted that many people still don’t believe in climate change because a recent weather event may seem to contradict the concept.  He noted that climate change is measured over a much longer time period than a year or two.

Sub Committee Reports:
            Energy:  Jack, George and Mike will meet with the Zoning Officer to discuss the proposed solar ordinance.  Meanwhile, Mike made a few suggestions concerning the need for some of the definitions, and questioned the need for restrictions concerning low and moderate-income housing, low slope and steep slope roofs.  Solar radiation or glare should not project onto nearby lots and there should not be a need for notice to neighbors as long as a solar installation meets the ordinance.  Also, instructions to the Zoning Hearing Board concerning variance reviews, and instructions to the Planning Commission and the need for a Severability section are unnecessary.  If the proposed meeting with the Zoning Officer leads to a final version of the ordinance, it will be distributed to the EAC and an email vote by the members may be taken on a recommendation to City Council and the Administration.

            Green:  They just closed the applications on June 30 for the City Garden Contest and met recently with the Mayor to introduce themselves and ask for his support in their activities.  There is a tree inventory survey with the intent to include Moravian and Lehigh’s campuses and students.  George noted that a GIS APP. could be created whereby the public could record their own or neighborhood trees; however, proper training in the identification of the trees is always a concern.

Transportation:  No report.

External Committee Reports:
Zoning:  No report.
Planning:  No report.
City Council:  No report.

Old Business:   
LEED Ordinance Survey:  George will email Karen Dolan about the status of this survey.

Review of Bylaw Amendments:  George will email Karen asking about the status of this ordinance.

New Business:  Kalyna Procyk, Sustainability Director at Muhlenburg and trained as an environmental lawyer, and Guthrie Mitchel have indicated an interest in joining the EAC.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting is scheduled during Musikfest and George will email everyone if the meeting is cancelled or postponed to August 13. 

Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:00 PM.