Bethlehem Environmental Advisory Council
General Meeting
June 4, 2014

Attendees:   Present were Council members Fran Cundall, Karen Dolan, Jack Gambino, Lynn Rothman, and Mike Topping.

Approval of May Minutes:  These minutes were tabled until the July meeting. 
Announcements:  Mike reported that the Northampton County Junior Conservation School (NCJCS) is looking for kids between 14-17 years old to take part in the school, which runs from July 13 to 20.  This is one of the best environmental schools in the Country and teaches kids about stream, forest and grassland ecology; climate change; recycling and garbage collection; sustainable agriculture; and the part hunting and fishing play in the environment.  The county sportsmen’s clubs will sponsor the kids, who do not have to belong to one of the clubs or even live in Northampton County.

Sub Committee Reports:
            Energy:  Jack had sent out a draft of the proposed Solar Ordinance in May and is waiting for comments from the EAC.  Karen noted that this should be reviewed by the City Staff and then presented to City Council, who she indicated were anxious to receive it.  After discussion, it was decided that a later version of the ordinance will be sent to the EAC and voted on at the next meeting.  Meanwhile, Jack will talk to George Yasko about meeting with the City Staff concerning the ordinance.

            Green:  After a busy last month, there was little to report for May.

Transportation:  Karen reported that the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission is promoting another look at the possibility of rail transportation between the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia as well as New York.  She criticized a previous study supported by the LVEDC, which indicated that rail service was no longer viable from the area, and recommended that an authority be created to restudy rail service for the Lehigh Valley.  Discussion followed concerning the amount of money needed to create rail service and the need for a critical mass of people to make it feasible.  Other areas have had success creating rail service, which helps to alleviate congestion on existing roads and encourages infill development within the cities. 

External Committee Reports:
Zoning:  No report.
Planning:  No report.
City Council:  Karen noted that pressure from neighborhood residents had effectively convinced the School District to withdraw their request to use a part of the Rose Garden as a parking lot during the construction of the new Nitschmann Middle School.

Old Business:   
LEED Ordinance Survey:  The City Clerk has sent out a number of requests for information concerning LEED Ordinances to other municipalities and when the results are in they will be sent to us.

Review of Bylaw Amendments:  After a short discussion, Karen moved to recommend the proposed revised amendments to City Council; seconded by Jack; approved.

Meeting Time and Place:  After a short discussion, it was decided to continue meeting at the Fox Environmental Center at 6 PM on the first Wednesday of each month.

New Business:  None

Adjourn:  The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:00 PM.